Monday, August 8, 2011

My latest...CRAFT!

I found this really simple tutorial on how to create crafty, homemade bags! I thought I would give it a try and I'm so glad I did!

The bags are so simple to create and a BLAST to decorate!

Here are two of the three I've made so far!

This one is for my sister-in-law, she'll be a sophomore at Tech!

I hope she likes it!

And this one if for baby Iris that will be joining the Roberts family in ONE month! I'm so excited!

I wrote scripture on the back of hers and I hope they like the way it turned out!

Monday, June 27, 2011


This summer, I've been interning for the youth group at our church. It's been a BLAST!

These last two weeks, we have been discussing the life of Jonah and how he ran from the Lord. It's funny because I realize that I do the same thing. No, I don't hop in a boat and flee the country anytime the Lord calls me to do something; however, I do have other boats that I hop in that lead me to sin rather than run toward the Lord. Last Sunday, we asked our girls to identify some of the boats that they use to run from the Lord and it was really powerful.

This week, we discussed God's grace toward Jonah. Chapter two is Jonah's song to the Lord, his praise, and prayer.

Verse 6: To the roots of the mountains I sank down;
the earth beneath barred me in forever.
But you, LORD my God,
brought my life up from the pit.

7 “When my life was ebbing away,
I remembered you, LORD,
and my prayer rose to you,
to your holy temple.

8 “Those who cling to worthless idols
turn away from God’s love for them.

9 But I, with shouts of grateful praise,
will sacrifice to you.
What I have vowed I will make good.
I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD.’”

The verse that hits me the most is verse 8: Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God's love for them. Who would be willing to turn from the Lord for some silly idol? I now realize that it's because of God's grace that we are able to turn from the idols and trust in the Creator of the Universe. It's because of His grace that we are given life and life to the fullest. It's because of His grace that I have another day to live and glorify Him.

I have been reading this book written by Jenna Lucado, called "Redefining Beautiful." The whole book is written so that young girls will realize what is holding them back from understanding that God sees them as 'beautiful.' It's such a powerful book and it made me realize that there are certain idols that we hold on to: vanity, fitness, etc. We convince ourselves that we are doing these things for all the right reasons...'oh, I workout all the time to remain healthy' or something to that nature. I am guilty of it. I know I am beautiful, the Lord sees me as truly beautiful and I am not willing to turn away from God's love over some silly idol, such as TV or sodas or fitness.

What are your idols? TV, the computer, fitness, vanity, your friends, yourself?

Once you have identified them, it's much easier to (step-by-step) hand them over to the Lord.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Well, Courtney and I made it! We survived the 10k...which is very impressive for myself because I could only run 3.5 miles before the race! :)

A picture of us before the race...

During the race...we MIGHT be in there, we aren't really sure. There were 35000 people running the race.

After the race! :)

We are champions!

I will honestly tell you that I enjoyed the race! It was awesome and I want to do it again! I feel as though, because I have accomplished this, I can do ANYTHING! We finished in 1 hour and 9 minutes. Next year, I will beat that. I am determined.

On another note, as Courtney and I entered our last mile of the race, Courtney asked me to be a bridesmaid! I was so tired and so excited at the same time. It was awesome and I cannot wait for October.

My next athletic endeavor will be a triathlon. Does anyone want to teach me how to swim properly?? I can keep my head above water, but swimming correctly isn't something I learned as a child. :/

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break

During this week, I've been doing a lot of this...

And this...

Have I mentioned that I am NOT a runner?! I've signed up for the Cap10k that is in 2 WEEKS! Can I even run 3 miles without stopping? No. Will I still give it my all? Yes; however, I chose Homer to represent myself because that's how I probably look while running. Exhausted. Tired. Ready to give in. I guess I'm going through sporting phases. I gave running a try and apparently my body can handle 3.1 miles and then poops out on me. :) We'll see how the Cap10k goes!

I'm ready to move on to another athletic cycling! Tyler and I now both have mountain bikes. We've been trail riding, which is AWESOME and if you've never gone you MUST GO! It's incredible and exhilarating! My next physical goal will be to trail ride around Austin.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Life as we know it...

is good!

I am LOVING life.
I am LOVING this warm weather.
I am LOVING realizing that God is truly righteous and His standard for righteousness is one that I will never meet on my own; however, because Christ became sin, I can meet those righteous standards! It's incredible and awe-inspiring. I do not know how I could possibly know that and not feel humbled.

Habakkuk 2:4...the righteous will live by faith. How amazing is the Love of Christ, that He would tie His name, fame, and character to my sin that held Him to the cross! Praise God. I can trade in my filthy rags for His royal robe!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life is busy...

And it's overwhelming, but God is good!

One of our friends took an awful spill over the Christmas break. At one point, we really did not feel as though he would make it through; however, relying fully on the Lord and knowing that He is the ULTIMATE healer, gave us a peace.

Through continued prayer, God has healed Paul in miraculous ways! He's not fully recovered yet, though we know he will be soon! It makes me so happy to hear just how good God is! :o)

I can't believe in such a short amount of time a life can be so close to being gone and then in the Lord's timing, that same life can be restored back to the glory of the Lord! How cool to think about that!